Today is Tuesday, August 25th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3132

Last installment of "How Many Days of the Week Can Be Extraordinary? 7!"; four of four in as many weeks. Written and compiled by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada:

Mistakes are Great

"Without risk, nothing new ever happens. Live life fully while you're here. Experience many things. Try new things. Enjoy yourself, be crazy, be daring. Don't hold back! Get out of your comfort zone. And, every now and then, bite off  more than you can chew.

"You'll make mistakes. So what? If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't really living. Besides, studies indicate that people who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year ... and people who do take risks make about the same number .... so why hold back on life or fear the attempt?"

~ Writer unknown



"While at Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau decided not to get a rug for his little cabin. If he got a rug, he would have to get a rug beater; and if he got a rug beater, he would have to get a rug hook to hang it on. He could see where that might lead.

"Thoreau believed that acquiring more things did not necessarily equate to more joy. Today, sophisticated studies confirm what Thoreau and many other wise souls figured out on their own:  Instead of putting things first, people enjoy a richer life when they put experiences first.

"How about you? If you only have so much life to invest, how do you really want to spend it? Do you want to spend it driving to the mall to buy more stuff? Or would you rather invest it in experiencing the great barrier reef with your best friend? Or biking the Hiawatha Trail with your kids? Or maybe getting out and giving back to your community?

"More and more people are discovering the art of traveling light in life.



