My week away included my sister, Jill, and I traveling to Tennessee to see some sights and sounds; also to visit a handful of relatives.
Our first stop was St. Louis and among other things to see and experience the famous Arch. While I had traveled there before, it was the first time for Jill. Even having been there, I had forgotten some of the construction things we learned in the video presentation.
The Arch was built both sides at the same time, coming together after several years of construction when they 'dropped in' the final piece bringing the two arms together. As they built, they daily 'measured' to be sure it would all 'work'. If they were 1/64 of an inch off any of the building, the project would not work. It worked! I remain impressed! They also said the projection was that 13 construction workers would die in the building process. They lost none!
God's hand had to be in all of it as they built!
It isn't just things like the Arch which should impress. It should happen every day. In the bruised stubbed toes, which heal like 'magic'. The way the world spins and day becomes night, right on schedule. Looking into a new baby's eyes and he or she is 'perfect'. And the list continues......
Dear Father in Heaven, we are here this morning wanting to praise You. For the miracle ways You orchestrate life. For Your care and concern for every detail of our lives. Thank You for blessing us. Help us to see the lives which You have given us through Your eyes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
P.S. They are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the St. Louis Arch later this month!