Today is Wednesday, October 14th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3163

Something written by Sarah Young - "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" (written as if Jesus is talking directly to each of us).

It is today's entry and talks about 'suffering' and 'pain and problems'. Oh great, just what we want to read about! But reality, it seems everyone has 'something'. If we don't have health problems, we have relationship problems. If we don't have either of those, we might have financial woes.

"Be prepared to suffer for Me, in My Name. All suffering has meaning in My kingdom. Pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me. Bearing your circumstances bravely-----even thanking Me for them---is one of the highest forms of praise. This sacrifice of thanksgiving rings golden-toned bells of Joy throughout heavenly realms. On earth also, your patient suffering sends out ripples of good tidings in ever-widening circles.

"When suffering strikes, remember, that I am sovereign and that I can bring good out of everything. Do not try to run from pain or hide from problems. Instead, accept adversity in My Name, offering it up to Me for My purposes. Thus, your suffering gains meaning and draws you closer to Me. Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through your trust and thankfulness."

Thoughts taken from James 1:1-4; Psalm 107:21-22

