Today is Friday, November 6th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3180

I am currently reading a book loaned to me by a friend titled "The Promise" by Rachelle Friedman. Due to an accident she was left paralyzed when she and some friends were celebrating her bachelorette party a couple of weeks prior to her wedding.

Since I am not done reading it, I think 'she lives happily ever after'; despite her future life living in a wheelchair.

Here are a couple of excerpts from chapter 12 titled "Finding Peace". Rachelle is on her first outing with several friend and family members to a favorite park, after spending a month plus in rehab.

"It's so weird to be here, because I have so many good memories from this place," she said.

"My dad said, 'Well, now you'll make new memories!'

"It was a simple yet profound statement.

"Those were some smart and powerful words, and I decided to make a daily effort during my recovery to live by them. It became my approach to all of this change."

She went on to tell that "life goes on and we make new memories every day, regardless of our situation or the hand we have been dealt."

Can't wait to finish the book. It isn't a 'Christian' one. Just a life experiences one. But I like it.

We may not wind up in a wheelchair but no matter what is happening -- to us, for us, with us today -- life continues to ebb and flow. So today is a good day to 'make a new memory'.

So let's each make it a good one:  today and this weekend!
