Something fun for a busy upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of things you probably have never heard of or known in the past; probably didn't care if you never knew. Taken from "Little Known FACTS about well-known STUFF" by David Hoffman:
Ronald McDonald is considered the second most recognizable character in the world, after Santa Claus, and ahead of Mickey Mouse.
Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
There are 216 noodles in a can of Campbell's Noodle Soup.
Not counting vowels, the most frequently used letter in the English language is T.
In a random group of 23 people, odds are that two will share the same birthday.
(that one bears checking out!)
All Crayola crayon names appear on labels in lowercase because tests reveal that lowercase letters are easiest for elementary students to read.
The Statue of Liberty's mouth is three feet wide.
A one-ounce serving of Cheerios contains 400 individual "O's".
'60 Minutes' is the only TV show with no theme song or music.