As I have mentioned several times, I am a Bible 'reader'; not a Bible 'scholar'. I believe the words and trust in God's blessings. I don't always know the backgrounds of people and places; don't know the names today of cities or countries written in the Bible.
I especially enjoy reading chapters and verses in Psalms. Sometimes I make a chart and begin marking off chapters I have read; not in order - randomly. Seems like Psalms 119 is one that I ten to leave toward the end. Not because I don't like it, but because it is so long: 176 verses!
But I do the end of list so I began to read it; then I remember, I really like it!
Here is a familiar and often quoted verse:
"Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path."
~ Psalm 119:105 NIV
Bible Commentary on that verse: "A walk in the woods at night makes it obvious that a light is necessary to prevent one from tripping over tree roots or falling in holes. In this life, we walk through a dark forest of evil in a world that has turned its back on God. But the Bible can be our light to show us the way ahead so we won't stumble as we walk. It reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies. Study the Bible so you can see your way clear enough to stay on the right path."