Today is Thursday, May 26th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3319

It's official! Twenty birthday 'parties' and forty days later, I am officially done celebrating my 70th birthday!

The 'real day' is May 3, but we began the 'celebration' in mid-April, with a dozen of our weekly coffee gals deep cleaning our gym bleachers, getting ready for prom, spring concerts, and graduation ceremonies. That followed up a couple of weeks later with my buying their 'coffee break' on a Wednesday morning.

Some 'parties' were given by others:  more than a dozen friends had 'potluck snacks' at a friend's lake home. I was preparing to bring bars for our Sunday School class one Sunday, but the class hosted a 'surprise party' instead. Several times a friend would take me and another friend or two out for lunch.

Most 'parties' were just where I was, but labeled a 'party'. Several from our church went to a church camp clean up one Saturday morning; I brought a cake to add to the lunch (No, not the professional done kind; just one baked and frosted by me!). A handful of gals went to a tour a ministry in a neighboring town; I bought lunch. My sisters and I get together annually for our spring/summer birthdays. Normally it is Dutch treat; my treat this year!

But four-year-old, Junior Salazar said it best. I had invited our mission committee out for lunch following Sunday worship, having our mission meeting after. Beef roast with potatoes and carrots tossed in to bake while we were at church services; making lettuce salad when we all arrived home, and peanut butter cookies which I pulled out of my freezer for dessert. "This isn't a birthday party," Junior said. "You have to have cake!"

But fun! God is so good. I think He likes it when we have JOY; no matter whether things are going the way we'd like them to go or not! Whether we 'feel' like it all the time or not! No matter whether we are eating 'cake' or not!

"Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again REJOICE!" (Philippians 4:4)

