Today is Saturday, June 4th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3325

(An extra Karen's Korner on Saturday to make up for the 'down' computer and missing one in the middle of the week.)

Something written by Sarah Young from her "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence" for today, June 4:

"Welcome Challenging Times as opportunities to trust Me. You have Me beside you and My Spirit within you, so no set of circumstances is too much for you to handle. When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges. That calculation is certain to riddle you with anxiety. Without Me, you wouldn't make it past the first hurdle!

"The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you stay close to Me."

Taken from James 1:2; Philippians 4:13; Isaiah 26:3

