Last week I had an 'attack' of condemning thoughts.
Where do our thoughts come from? And where do they go to?
I am a creative person; some of my thoughts are GREAT! Some of them, not so hot. But what about the ones that aren't even anything I/we even truly think or believe? They are just a random, untruth flying across the 'screens' of our minds.
I can recall one time lots of years ago when I went to a morning coffee with a handful of gals to our friend's home. It was a beautiful one. All the tableware matched; the goodies looked great on our plates and everything tasted as good as it looked.
When I got home, I looked around our farm home, thinking it looked like a dump in comparison. I didn't own such nice serving pieces. And the thoughts continued.
But then I stopped. "Where were these thoughts coming from?" It was a sense of jealousy that I didn't like. And I knew they weren't mine!!
As I reflected, I could have owned matching plates and cups. I could go buy them if I wanted, but that isn't who I am. My friend was good at all of those things! My job was to enjoy her and her talents. Not to get caught up in the 'lies' which were swirling in my head.
So when thoughts come, it is time to sort! Which ones of them are real and true? Which ones are worth hanging on to or do something about? Which are worth dismissing, because they aren't even ours in the first place?
The Bible says, "Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about it." (Philippians 4:8 LAB).