Last fall there was a women's conference in a neighboring town, which a number of area women attended. Among other things from the day were "YOU ARE........." cards at everyone's lunch place. There was a mix of maybe twenty cards; each person had one.
Here is one from the set; they seemed to speak volumes to each gal as we read them aloud to one another. So let this be 'your card' for the day:
You are KIND
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me." (Jesus is speaking)
"You are a breath of fresh air to everyone that meets you. The kindness you show to those you love is appreciated beyond what words can express. Know that even when you think no one notices........they do! You have shown kindness to strangers that has given them strength to make it through another day. Your smile to those that feel forgotten and ignored gives strength. God has used your spirit to alter the course of peoples' lives and turn generations of their families from a path of destruction to a path of peace. Know in all you do God sees and He is pleased!"