Something written by Max Lucado:
God Uses Failures
"Psalm 40:3 says, 'He has given me a new song to sing....'Have you heard voices of failure? When you lost your job, flunked the exam, or dropped out of school? When your marriage went south..........when you failed? The voices began to howl...and you joined them! Failure finds us all.
"Bookstores overflow with volumes on how to succeed. But you'll look a long time before you find a section called 'How to Succeed at Failing'. Maybe no one knows what to say. But God does. His book is written for failures. David was a moral failure, yet God used him. Elijah was an emotional train wreck after Mount Carmel, but God blessed him. Perfect people? No. Perfect messes? You bet. Yet God used them. A surprising and welcome discovery of the Bible is this: God uses failures!