Today is Friday, July 8th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3350

(First, my apologies to Karen's Korner readers for omitting the Bible verse location in yesterday's post. And thanks to Al Bennett for being the first one to catch the error. It is Psalm 27:1.)

Listening the this morning's news and the tragic shooting of Dallas police officers who were trying to do their jobs last night:  protecting the people in their city. Our thoughts and prayers with everyone involved in the incidents.

This Bible reading today makes us stop and think about God and His care:

"O God my Strength! I will sing praises , for you are my place of safety.

My God is changeless in His Love for me and He will come and help me.

As for me, I will sing each morning about Your power and mercy.

For you have been my high tower of refuge, a place of safety in the day of my distress.

O my Strength, to you I sing my praises: for you are my high tower of safety, my God of mercy."

~ Psalm 59:9 - 17 (in part)


Bible Commentary:  "David (writer of this Psalm) knew that God's love for him was changeless. God's love for all who trust Him is also changeless. When the love of others fails or disappoints us, we can rest in God's changeless love."

