It's so easy in our world of ups and downs; change: some we like others; we don't, that God really, really loves us! Sometimes hard to remember, but He does! That is enough to 'super power' us for the day:
Your Uniqueness
"When God made you, the angels stood in awe and declared, 'We've never seen one like that before'. And they never will again! You are heaven's first and final attempt at you. You are matchless, unprecedented, and unequaled. Consequently, you can do something no one else can do in a way no one else can. Call it what you wish. A talent. A skill set. A gift. An anointing. A divine spark. An unction. A call.
"Scripture says, 'The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others. (1 Corinthians 12:7). Each of us---not some of us, a few of us, or the elite among us. Many people settle for someone else's story and they never find their call. Don't make the same mistake. Your existence isn't accidental. Your skills are not incidental. God has shaped each person in turn! And that includes you!
~ By Max Lucado