Today is Wednesday, September 7th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3388

Here is a story told by Joel Osteen which I heard last week on a radio broadcast.

Osteen told of a young man who had recently completed his education and wasn't sure what his future held. He was hanging around his mother's beauty shop.

A lady, who was having her hair done was sitting under a hair dryer, tried to get the young man attention. When she couldn't, she lifted up the dryer and asked for a piece of paper and pencil.

She penned this note, "You will be successful in the career which you choose. Your efforts will be known around the world with millions recognizing who you are."

The young man was handed the note. He put it in his wallet and remembered it often. Now and then, he would take it out and look at it when he would suffer a failure or a setback.

Osteen continued. "Even today Denzel Washington carries the note of encouragement in his wallet."

Osteen admonition to his listeners, "To whom are you speaking positive comments and words of encouragement?"

Can your words/my words change the lives of people with whom we come in contact? Today? Another day?
