Today is Thursday, September 29th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3404

Some random thoughts to take us into today:

"God will never love you more than He does right now.

His love is not something He does; it is Who He is!

We can love Him more but He will never love us more."

~ Joyce Meyer quote


For those of us who are adding years to our lives:

"Soil of every season of life is fertile ground."

~ Beth Moore quote


Did you hear in the last few days that NASA has determined by studying the stars that they believe there are now 13, not 12, astrological signs? And that if you were a 'Leo,' you might be like a 'Scorpio'? Wouldn't that be something if you took 'advice' from your sign, only to learn that you were reading from the wrong sign for that day? And have for years?

Good thing about God and His Word:  never changes.

"Thank you, God, that your Holy Words have stood the test of time. We can trust You, who You are, and what You tell us. You are the great I am. Amen."
