Either Sunday's sermon was a good one or I was paying better attention that some other times! Here is another portion of Pastor Warren's message - installment #2:
"We need to remember that the Lord does hear our prayers and desires that we would call out to Him. He responds and answers in ways we don't always understand....His ways and His thoughts are higher than our own. I believe there are a few questions that all of us must grapple with throughout our lifetime:
* Do I believe that God is good?
* Do I trust that God will always do the right thing according to His plans and purposes over my current personal desire?
* When my current place in life seems dark, despairing and bleak, will I trust that God knows better where I am than I do?
* Will I live to the glory of God and bring Him worship and praise, even when my present situation is tempting me to look elsewhere?
* When I come to realize that I may never find an adequate or satisfying answer to the questions I have, can I still trust in goodness and faithfulness of God?"