Today is Friday, October 7th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3410

"Focus on the Family", a Christian outreach ministry based in Colorado, has organized '31 Days of Prayer" for the month of October. Prayers address a number of cares and concerns for our nation and its people; a variety of topics.

I am late sharing these simple prayers with Karen's Korner readers but I can get them all to you prior to the election. But these simple requests cover more than our country, our election, and our leaders.

Here are two, not in any particular 'day' order:


DAY #16:  Pray for all those who are homeless.

"Heavenly Father,

I don't always understand the circumstances surrounding people who are homeless....but You do. I pray that You use me and others to reach out to our hurting, homeless neighbors. Give me the compassion and discernment to act. Bless groups working with these individuals. In Jesus' name. Amen."



Day #13:  Pray for people in crisis.

"Heavenly Father,

America is full of hurting people---couples heading for divorce, those battling depression, families in financial trouble, individuals seeking work, victims of tragedy, and natural disasters. Today I pray for comfort, peace, and blessings in the lives of those who face insurmountable odds. Give them hope in You. In Jesus' name. Amen."

