Today is Wednesday, October 12th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3413

Some days I read Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence"; sometimes I don't. Some of her posts I like more than others; every day is good. Writings are taken from Bible verses and written as Jesus is talking directly to us. Here is yesterday's:

"I am the culmination of all your hopes and desires. 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last; who is and was and is to come.' Before you knew Me, you expressed your longing for Me in hurtful ways. You were ever so vulnerable to the evil around you in the world. But now My Presence safely shields you, enfolding you in My loving arms. I have lifted you out of the darkness into My marvelous Light.

"Though I have brought many pleasures into your life, not one of them is essential. Receive My blessings with open hands. Enjoy My good gifts, but do not cling to them. Turn your attention to 'the Giver of all good things', and rest in the knowledge that you are complete in Me. The one thing you absolutely need is the one thing you can never lose:  My Presence with you."

~ Taken from Psalm 62:5 - 8; Revelation 1:8; I Peter 2:9 (NKJV); James 1:17


Prayer for Wednesday;

Taken from '31 Days of Prayer', written by Focus on the Family:

Day 23::  Pray for civil servants.

"Heavenly Father,

Our police officers and firefighters are American heroes. I pray that you grant discernment and safety to all those who put their own lives on the line to keep our communities safe. Protect these life-saving civil servants and their families. Amen."

