Some short thoughts from people, places, and things over the past few days:
From Father Jerry, local priest:
"God is a god of 'order'. The opposite of order is 'chaos'."
We need to embrace in our culture and our world, God's order, to work toward eliminating the chaos we see around us. We can make a difference.
From our minister Pastor Warren:
"I have chosen to be the Servant of the Most High God."
Regardless of any elections, we can vote to be the 'servant of the most high God'.
From Dr. Mike Smalley, words which Satan hates us saying:
1) Jesus! 2) Forgive! 3) Help! 4) Others! 5) Trust! 6) YES!; 7) Seed (sow, water, reap)!
Relook at that list of words, saying one of those words. What do they mean to you? Each word can be a 'prayer'.
Taken from Focus on the Family's "31 Days of Prayer".
DAY 18: Pray for local churches to reach the hurting.
"Heavenly Father,
I ask You to equip churches to be Christ's hands and feet of compassion to hurting people in their communities. Unite believers with the understanding and resources to make a difference for hurting people in Your name. In Jesus' Name."
DAY 15: Pray for the hungry in America.
"Heavenly Father,
I pray for the hungry in our country. I pray for children born into poverty, single parents who struggle to put food on the table, and families in crisis. Connect them with organizations that can help. Empower groups dedicated to feeding the hungry to reach even farther. Let me know what I can do to help the hungry in my own community. In Jesus' name. Amen."