A small band of gals from our church meets weekly as a prayer group. We start by making one another aware of needs and concerns, personally or collectively.
My list from this week included: surgeries, pending health diagnoses, ongoing health concerns - several of them tabbed as terminal, stressed or broken relationships, people dealing with the aging process, financial dilemmas, issues surrounding government at various levels.
As I looked at it, I thought, "Now I know why we pray. I can't handle any of them!" I can't change medical needs of anyone. Probably am not in a position to repair any relationships. Government concerns change slowly, if at all.
But we can pray! Then God can work to do what only He can do!
He might show me some simple ways I can contribute. And He wants me to continue to believe. I can do that........with His help!
"Always keep on praying." ~ I Thessalonians 5:17 LAB
Commentary: "We cannot spend all our time on our knees, but it is possible to have a prayerful attitude all the time. This attitude is built upon acknowledging our dependence on God, realizing his presence within us, and determining to obey him fully. We then find it natural to pray frequent, spontaneous, short prayers."