Today is Monday, November 28th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3446

In the first chapter of John, there is a listing of the disciples as Jesus began picking them. Not only are they named, Jesus comments on them. Here are what He said about two of them:

"Jesus looked intently at Peter and said, 'Your are Simon, John's son--but you shall be called Peter, the Rock."

"As Philip and Nathanael approached, Jesus said (of Nathanael), "Here comes an honest man...."

~ John 1:42 & 47 LAB


So Jesus calls Peter and Nathanael and He speaks of them as a 'Rock" and an 'honest man'. Do you think they each might have looked over their shoulder saying, "Are you talking about me?"

What does He say about each of us as we are 'called'?





And we might be saying, "No, not me!"

But Jesus looks beyond who we know to be us, to who He knows we can become as His followers!

Dear Father God, thank You for who we are and thank You that you see us for who we can become as we look to You for Your wisdom and care. Help us to agree with You and Your assessment of each one of us, and become all we were designed to be in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

