Humpty Dumty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumty had a great fall.
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again!
One of my Christmas presents this year was a puzzle. It's 550 pieces (I don't do bigger ones than that!). When I opened the box and started turning over the pieces so that they were all right-side up, they hardly fit on my card table! The box says my puzzle is 20" x 20".
I maybe have half of it put together. Now my table top has more room on it. I can only figure out as to what the 'picture' is supposed to be, by looking at the completed picture on the puzzle box.
Our lives are sort of like my puzzle. Lots of pieces which need to be put together one by one. And only God has the completed picture. He can put us together so that we can become all He wants us to be.
And unlike Humpty Dumpty, this "King" can put us back together again!
Thank You, Jesus, that You are the 'Great Puzzle Putter-Togetherer'. Thank You that You know what each of us are supposed to 'look like' and 'be'. Thank You that we can trust You with our every life need. You are the great I AM. Amen.