Today is Tuesday, January 17th, 2017; Karen's Korner #3482

Does it ever seem like to you that the 'world' is losing its mind? Watch the news and we see terrorist attacks, people randomly doing terrible things to one another.......or maybe to big groups of people. Our lists could be long.

Has there ever been times like this before?

Early one morning last week, I was running through the channels and landed for a couple of minutes on an interview program on a Christian station. Joseph Prince, someone who has programs at various times on cable television and who I have not watched very often, was telling about 'watching for God to do' something, as He always has.

Prince said that too often the devil keeps us watching what IS happening, while God is busy doing something behind the scenes that we haven't seen yet.

He sighted two cases as examples: The children of Israel were slaves in Egypt. Their numbers had grown so large that the Pharaoh decided that it was time to 'downsize', putting all boy babies to death (Exodus 1). But God! had another plan:  Moses' mother sent her son in a basket down the river.  He was rescued, raised and saved his people.

At the time of Jesus birth, King Herod was threatened by what might happen to his kingdom because of what he had read in Bible prophecy (Matthew 2). So he ordered all the boy babies to be killed. Jesus' parents heard from God and were told of the evil king's plan, so they protected Jesus. He was rescued, raised and saved His people.

While watching the news is helpful, it isn't all that is happening to us and around the world. Because of history and God's plans and purposes, we can count on the fact that 'God is up to something'. Like He always has been and always will be!

Our job is to believe in what we can't see. It's called FAITH!

Praise God!
