Today is Thursday, January 26th, 2017; Karen's Korner #3489

"Don't give victory to those who fight with me without any reason! Don't let them rejoice at my fall---let them die. They don't talk of peace and doing good, but of plots against innocent men who are minding their own business. They shout that they have seen me doing wrong! 'Aha!' they say. 'With our own eyes we saw him do it.' Lord, you know all about it. Don't stay silent! Don't desert me now!"

~ Psalm 35:19 - 22 LAB


Introduction to chapter 35, written by David:

"A prayer to God for help against those who try to inflict injury for no reason. When our enemies are unjust and lie about us, even when we do good to them, we can appeal to God who is always just!"

Bible Commentary:  "David cried out to God to defend him when he was unjustly accused. If we are unjustly accused (co-workers, friends, family, media, someone on facebook, etc.), our natural reaction may be to lash out in revenge or to give a detailed defense of each of our moves. Ask God to fight the battle for us. He will clear our names in the eyes of those who really matter."

