Today is Monday, January 30th, 2017; Karen's Korner #3491

Something emailed to me several days ago by Shirley Choat who faithfully sends thoughts and writings of others:

"If God is for us, who is against us?

~ Romans 8:31


"The animal world at our farm had one predictable thing in common:  the fierce, homicidal, even suicidal concern of the mothers for their offspring. I was chased out of pens by several overly protective mother sows. I was kicked at and nearly trampled by a couple of cows who wanted nothing to do with my presence near their calves. I have felt the sting of angry wings and the pain of razor sharp beaks from hens who considered me a threat to their baby chicks.

"It should not have been much of a surprise. My human mother could react the same way for her 'flock'. Although she could dish out discipline when we strayed, she was our best cheering squad and defender.

"Now consider that our Heavenly Father has that same fierce love for you and me. It was fierce enough to face the devil, the religious authorities, and even the cross for our sakes.

"Indeed, St. Paul asks the valid question:  'If God is for us, who can be against us?' We may be confronted by demons and devils, bullies and blind guides of every nature. They may push and pull and threaten. They may even cause pain and suffering in this world, but they will have the most fearsome and awesome Judge who will wilt them like cut flowers on a hot day. No human or power on earth can hold a candle to God's overwhelming love for those who call on His name. May you share that love with those who need to know God's amazing protective, love."


"My Heavenly Father, protect me this day from all temptations and evils that might come my way. Be with me and keep me from going in any direction different than what you would have me go. Most importantly, when I insist on going my own way, bring me into your 'flock'. In Jesus' name. Amen."

** Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Sydow, Prayers by Pastor Freeman
