A paragraph or two in Mark tells of Jesus calming a storm which frightened his water-friendly disciples. It must have been quite a storm. And Jesus? He was asleep on the boat.
What 'storm' is taking place in our lives? Or inside our minds? If we don't have a storm, chances are pretty good a friend, neighbor, or family member does. There are storms in the state where we live, or in our federal government, or places in our world.
"High wave began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water and about to sink........frantically, they wakened him, shouting, 'Teacher, don't you even care that we are all about to drown!'
"Then he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Quiet down!' And the wind fell, and there was a great calm!'
~ Mark 4:37 - 39 LAB
Bible Commentary: "The disciples panicked because the storm threatened to destroy them all and Jesus seemed unaware and unconcerned. Theirs was a physical storm, but storms come in other forms too. Think about the storms in our lives----the situations that cause us great anxiety. Whatever our difficulty, we have two options. We can worry and assume that Jesus no longer cares, or we can resist fear, putting our trust in Him. When we feel like panicking, tell our need to God and then trust Him to care for us."