"in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
~ Genesis 1:1 KJV
"Then the Lord said to Noah, 'Go into the ark you and your whole family.....take with you two of every kind of animal, a male and its mate......"
~ Genesis 7:1 & 2 NIV
Most people are becoming aware of a replica of Noah's Ark and the Creation Museum which are a handful of miles apart in Kentucky. It is becoming a destination for a vacation or a stop on travelers' way to other points of interest.
Several people from the Clarion Church of Christ have put together a short-trip that direction from here in Iowa to Kentucky from Thursday - Sunday, August 10 - 13, and we are inviting you to travel with us, if your schedule allows or if it seems interesting to you.
It should be affordable. Cost is $50 for the round trip, riding on a 15-passenger van; staying for three nights at a motel. Rate is $85 per night which can house up to five people with queen-sized beds complete with a hot breakfast each morning. Two-day tickets (one day at each museum) range in prices of $35 - 60, for children, senior citizens, or adults.
It is about a 10-hour trip from Clarion to our destination. One day out; one day at one museum; another at the other; and then our return trip. Look at a map, we can pick up people along the way. We will be traveling south on I-35 and then east on I-80.
If you'd like more information, let me know and I will direct you to the right person. It will take a $50 payment to secure a seat on the van. All other amounts will be paid when we actually on our trip.
It promises to be an adventure!