Today is Friday, August 27th, 2004; Karen's Korner #360

I read this one Bible verse a couple of years ago for a Marys and Marthas (M & Ms) meeting.


For anyone who reads Karen's Korner and isn't aware of M & Ms, we are a loosely organized, ecumenical group of gals who meet once a month to care for, congratulate, offer words of comfort to others. Our motto says, "We are the hearts and hands of Jesus". And it works!  There are more than 100 names on our membership roles........people only do what they can to help, attend meetings when their schedules allow, some only want to know what it is we are doing, .....we take them all!


Psalm 133:1 sounded like us! 


"How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live in harmony!"



As our local churches return to or add more programs for the fall, this should be our prayer!! Because it works!!


Here is what the commentary on this verse said:


"David (writer of this Psalm) stated that harmony is pleasant, precious, and refreshing. Unfortunately, harmony does not abound in the church as it should. People disagree and cause division over unimportant issues. Some seem to delight in causing tension by discrediting others. Harmony is important because: (1) It makes us a positive example to the world and helps draw others to us; (2) It helps us function as a body of believers as God meant us to, giving us a foretaste of heaven; (3) It is renewing and revitalizing because there is less tension to sap our energy.


Living in harmony does not mean we will agree on everything; there will be many opinion just as there are many notes in a harmonious chord of music. But we agree on our purpose in life--to work together for God. Our outward expression of unity should reveal our inward unity of purpose.
