I had fun at Christmas time. I had decided to give little presents to people every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Just for fun; maybe someone who was shut-in or maybe not have many people in their world. Or maybe those I just happened to see when I was running errands. It was fun!
So much fun that I had a sense of 'why is this over' as the day came closer. I just felt like there were so many people to love and care about. So little time.
And then I thought about Jesus and His Life, He knew why He had come and why He had to die. Even if He was the Son of God, even if He lived a perfect life, He could only by one place at one time. So many people to love; so little time.
But He also knew that if He died and rose from the dead, His Spirit would be given to each believer. The Holy Spirit given to each one of us!
His Spirit could be sent and shared with dozens. Then hundreds. Then thousands. Then millions. His 'army' could march on into eternity. Together.
Today is a good day to learn. Love. Share His Life and Love with others.......