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The last handful of weeks have been a time when I have had to ask for lots of help:
* when the Karen's Korner server no longer worked;
* when my portable phones weren't working right;
* when a change in format didn't allow me to do what I normally do for THE CLARION WIRE (weekly email newsletter);
* when my furnace wasn't running the way it should;
* when my water stopped working because of the cold.
I liked it better when everything works and I don't have to ask for help!
Each of the times something didn't work right, I had to ask a different person for help. And they did!
God wants us to know that we can't handle this life by ourselves either. He wants us to ask for His help. We were never expected to be 'god of our lives'. Because of the world in which we live and they way we are made, we can't do it ourselves.
When we try to 'run our lives' on our own, even if we try (like my furnace or computer), there will be things that we can't do without help.
The sooner we ask for His help the better. Asking for help even before things happen which we can't do or things which we can, but for which He'd like to be a part, our lives will be so much more enjoyable and less frustrating.
Thank You, God, that You are such a caring and loving God.
Help us to trust You more and to ask You to part of our everyday lives.
Be with each of us today as we go about our daily tasks,
whether it looks like we can handle it alone or not.
Go with us.
In Jesus' Name. Amen