Today is Thursday, February 22nd, 2018; Karen's Korner #3740

Nearly everyone has heard by now of Billy Graham's death yesterday morning.

His death made me think about a book I read a number of years ago, written by his daughter Ruth. It was titled "In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart". Since I don't have a copy in front of me, I am operating from memory.

The opening pages of Ruth's book told about her failing marriage. Living in Florida, she made a phone call to her mom in North Carolina, a call she dreaded making. Her mother said simply, "Why don't you come home?"

Packing a few items in her car, she took mom's advice. All kinds of thoughts flooded her mind as she traveled the distance between the two states:  "what would she say to her mom? dad?"; "what would they say to her?"; "would the media have a frenzy telling about the 'daughter of evangelist Billy Graham...?" And the thoughts continued to rattle.

When she turned up the familiar drive of the family home, she found her dad standing outside waiting for her. As the car stopped, he reached for the car door handle. Opened it. Met her with a firm embrace saying simply, "Welcome home!"

Billy Graham did that to millions of people in the span of his life and ministry, saying on behalf of Jesus, "Welcome home...."

Quoted a number of times during his life and waning years, he'd say, "....some day you are going to hear 'Billy Graham has died'. Don't you believe it. On that day, I will be more alive than I have ever been here on earth......."

So yesterday, Jesus met him on His driveway in heaven and said simply to Billy, "Welcome home!"

The same message He says to us every day, "Welcome home! Let's enjoy the day together!"
