Today is Thursday, June 14th, 2018; Karen's Korner #3819

"God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.

So if God has given you the ability to prophesy,

then prophesy whenever you  can---

as often as your faith is strong enough to receive a message from God.

If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well.

If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching.

If you are a preacher, see to it that your sermons are strong and helpful.

If God has given you money, be generous in helping others with it.

If God has given you administrative ability and put you in charge of the work of others,

take the responsibility seriously.

Those who offer comfort to the sorrowing should do so with Christian cheer."

~ Romans 12:6 - 8 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Look at this list of gifts and imagine the kinds of people who would have each gift. Prophets are often bold and articulate. Servers are faithful and loyal. Teachers are clear thinkers. Preachers know how to motivate others. Givers are generous and trusting. Administrators are good organizers and managers. Comforters are caring people who are happy to give their time to others. It would be difficult for one person to embody all these gifts. As assertive prophet would not usually make a good counselor, and a generous giver might fail as an administrator. When you identify your own gifts, ask how you can use them to God's glory. At the same time, realize that your gifts can't do the work of the church alone. Be thankful for people whose gifts are completely different from yours. Let your strengths balance their weaknesses; and be grateful that their abilities make up for your deficiencies. Together we can build the church."
