Today is Monday, September 17th, 2018; Karen's Korner #3876

Today's inspirational thought by Max Lucado:

A Word for the Dark Nights of the Soul

"Self-help manuals might get you through a bad mood or a tough patch. But what about an abusive childhood or years of chronic pain? Does God have a word for the dark nights of the soul? He does.

"God's promise begins with this phrase:  'Weeping may last through the night........'. That part may not be news to you. But this part may be - 'Joy comes with the morning' (Psalm 30:5). Despair will not rule the day. Night might delay the dawn, but it cannot defeat it. Morning comes. Not always as quickly as we want. Not as dramatically as we desire. But morning comes, and with it comes joy.

"Do you need this promise? Have you wept a river? Have you forsaken hope? Do you wonder if morning will ever bring this night to an end? Hear this! Because God's promises are unbreakable, our hope is unshakable!"

