Today is Tuesday, September 18th, 2018; Karen's Korner #3877

"And so we keep on praying for you that our God will make

you the kind of children he wants to have----

will make you as good as you wish you could be!---

rewarding your faith with his power."

~ 2 Thessalonians 1:11 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "When we truly love God, we are repeatedly disappointed in our performance. We want to be good; and yet we are unable to do so. God's purpose for all believers is to make them the kind to do so. God's people for all believers is to make them the kind of children he wants to have. This would mean becoming as good as we wish we could be. As our faith in God increases, God increases the power available in us to do good. If we want God's power in our lives, believe in his ability to do good. If we want God's power in our lives, we need to believe in his ability to do good rather than in ours. Then when Christ comes again, he will make us better than we ever thought we could be."

