Our Sunday School class is working our way through the book of Genesis. A week ago we looked at Job. Why Job? Seems he lived about the same time as Abraham.
He was a very wealthy man, who worshipped God. He was the father of ten children; owned 7,000 sheep; 3,000 camels; 500 teams of oxen; 500 female donkeys; plus employing many servants.
And in one day, all of these were taken away from him...including all of his children.
When notified of all of the loses, Job said, "I came naked from my mother's womb, and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were His to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
In my Bible notes, it states, "Job lost his possessions and family in this first of Satan's tests, but he reacted rightly toward God by acknowledging God's sovereign authority over everything God had given him. Job passed the test and proved that people can love God for who He is not to what He has given."
What are you and I going through today? Probably nothing as big as what Job had to endure and experience.
Can we say as Job said, "Blessed be the name of the Lord"?
God, we want to worship you this morning. Blessed by Your Name!"