(First of all a correction from Friday's Karen's Korner. the name of the Los Angeles Police Department's caller to me, was Ron Walker, not Walked. That's what happens when the writer - me; also edits it. We tend to read what we want it to say; not what is there. Should you want to view/print the corrected one, go to www.karens-korner.com and print it.)
Mike Redig made our church congregation aware that yesterday was "Day for the Persecuted Church". He said over 150,000 people are killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ annually.
People are put to death, disappear, or are imprisoned in 60 countries in the world. North Korea is the #1 persecutor of Christians. Anyone who has a Bible in his/her possession are subject to some sort of atrocity. "If someone were to see an open Bible," said Redig, "leave it lay. Even if that person was going to pick it up to turn it in to authorities. It could present them a problem."
Recently at a church in Alexandria, Egypt, twenty-three people were killed as they worshipped. In the Middle East the number of Christians has declined from 20% to 4% currently.
Redig's words included praying for our Christian friends around the world; and to praise God for how much we have been protected as Christians in our country. We are allowed to worship as we please without fear of our safety.
Father God in Heaven, thank You for Your love. Thank You that you take care of all of Your children -- sometimes in this life and sometimes when you take Your worshippers home to be in heaven with You. Thank You that we can worship here in the United States as we choose. Help us not to take our freedoms and Your goodness for granted. We worship and love you. Thank You that we all are always cared for. In Jesus' Name. Amen.