"The heavens are telling the glory of God;
they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship.
Day and night they keep on telling about God.
Without a sound or word, silent in the skies,
their message reaches out to all the world.
The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it
and moves out across the skies as radiant
as a bridegroom going to his wedding,
or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race!"
~ Psalm 19:1 - 6 LAB
Bible Commentary: "We are surrounded by fantastic displays of God's craftsmanship---the heavens give dramatic evidence of his existence, his power, his love, his care. To say that the universe happened by chance is absurd--its intricacy and dependability give proof of a personally involved Creator. As we look at God's craftsmanship in nature and the heavens, we should thank Him for such magnificent beauty and the truth it reveals about the Creator."