Here's hoping that you had a nice Christmas. It would great if you'd share a memory for this Christmas season if you have a good one!
I have a good one from yesterday.
Christmas Eve I had a busy day and didn't get to my farm home mailbox. When I walked yesterday morning, I picked up the stash of my daily paper, some junk mail, a number of Christmas cards, and bubble envelope from the Los Angeles police department.
As Karen's Korner readers know, our local Marys & Marthas (M & Ms) has sent a card to their police department after hearing on the news of the loss of one of their officers in the line of duty. Sergeant Ron Walked called me several weeks ago to thank us for commending their department for their officers' service to Los Angeles; receiving few positive notes such as ours.
Yesterday's package contained a Christmas card signed by 20 officers, 12 black with white stitching, 'Los Angeles Police' (2 x 4) emblems and a 'Police Officer Los Angeles' badge (cloth) suitable to be stitched on uniforms, plus a longer letter telling what Walker's department does on behalf of its '10,000 sworn police officers serving 4 million citizens spanning across 500 square miles'.
In part from his team, the Mental Evaluation Unit (MEU), specifically Systemwide Mental Assessment Response Team (SMART): 'responding to and investigating incidents of people suspected of experiencing a mental health crisis.......reducing the potential for violence during police contacts......requiring problem solving......partnering with law enforcement.' Walker continued, ' our job is rewarding and challenging as each of MEU's 24,000 annual incidents is very different.'
The Christmas card with the words on the front 'MERRY, JOLLY, HAPPY', inside said, 'Hope you're feeling every Christmas kind of joy!" Many of the signed notes had words such as 'Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year 2019. Thank you for your prayers. God Bless you!"
So if you'd like to join me in praying for the Los Angeles Police Department, when God brings them to the front of your mind? Officers like Sue Guitierrez; Sgt. Wes Albin; Dan Jones; Detective Christine Beltram. They know the difference prayers make.
Heavenly Father, thank You for our friends in Los Angeles, for their work, and for their care. Bless them. Protect them. Reach out to them with Your Love as they work and serve others. Thank You for showing us how much we need one another. In Jesus' Name who came to set the captives! Amen.