Today is Tuesday, February 5th, 2019; Karen's Korner #3972

Taken from 'Portals of Prayer' and its January - March edition. The February portion was contributed by Rev. Andrew T. Yeager of Garrett, Indiana.

Here was an entry from the first part of February, in part:

"Satan is our accuser, bringing our sin into the heavenly courtroom for a guilty verdict. The good news is that we also have an advocate, a defense attorney in heaven freely appointed for us---the Lord Jesus. He is our great High Priest, who ascended into heaven to sit at God's right hand and plead our case before God.

"When Jesus pleads for us, He doesn't bring our good works as evidence for our acquittal. Even our best works are filthy rags. When Jesus pleads our case before God, He pleads His own precious blood, the blood that paid for our sins and reconciled us to the Father. Through faith in Jesus saving blood, God's heavenly verdict over us is 'not guilty'. God declares us righteous and justified, and Satan has nothing left with which to accuse us."

"Jesus, thank You for being my advocate before the Father. Amen."

