As a Bible reader, I pick a book and read it. Do I pick it or does God help me select what I read? I don't know. But no matter. They are loaded with things that help me/us be better people than we would be without His help!
Right now I am charging through Proverbs. I read the first part of chapter 15. Lots of good 'wise sayings' written by Solomon. I am sharing two today. (And they are so good ones, might share one or two tomorrow, too!)
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels." (verse 1)
Bible Commentary: "Have you ever tried to argue in a whisper? It is equally hard to argue with someone who insists on answering softly. On the other hand, a rising voice almost always triggers an angry response. If the most important goal is to win the argument, then you had better warm up your vocal cords. But if your goal is to seek peace, then a consistently quiet response is your best choice."
"When a man (woman) is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong;
when he (she) is cheerful, everything seems right!" (verse 15)
Bible Commentary: "Our attitudes color our whole personality. We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can choose our attitude toward each situation. The secret to a good attitude is filling our minds with good things-----thoughts that are true, pure, and lovely; thoughts that dwell on the good things in life (Philippians 4:8). This was Paul's secret, as he faced imprisonment, and it can be ours as we face the struggles of daily living. Look at your attitudes, and then examine what you allow to enter your mind and what you choose to dwell on. You may need to make some changes."