Most Karen's Korner readers live in Iowa. We all got snow yesterday! Depending on where we live in Iowa, some got more than others. Here in north central Iowa we got a lot (I was told 14")! Plus blowing and drifting. I am still blocked in. Hard to tell when I will get out.
But today is a beautiful day when compared to yesterday!
Have you ever noticed when we enjoy things the most and are the most grateful? It's the day after! The day after the snowstorm! The day following the positive doctor's report! The day following the dreaded confrontation with the boss or a loved!
Several times I recall after a bad cold, "Once I can breathe decent, I will always be grateful for a nose which works!" The thought doesn't last but a few days. Then I am off to thinking about something else.
Today: I am thankful for a nicer day!
Philippians 4:4 tells us to "always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!" We have an advantage as Christians, we have His Holy Spirit residing within us. We have joy packed in but do we access that joy with His help? The Bible Commentary on this verse says, "Ultimate joy comes from Christ dwelling within us. At Christ's Second Coming, we will fully realize this ultimate joy, because He who dwells within us will fulfill His final purpose for us."
So just for today, let's celebrate His joy whether we feel like it, act like it, or not!