Today is Friday, April 19th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4015

My friend, Jayne Hanning's mother wrote this "Easter Prayer" on Easter of 1974. Maryellen Basham told her family she most wanted to be remembered for her poetry writings. While Maryellen had been in declining health for a number of years and Jayne served as her primary caregiver, it was surprising to the entire family that she passed away unexpectedly at her home on Easter Day two years ago.

Coincidence? Or God directed? You decide!

Easter Prayer

"I thank thee God, for Christ my King,

Praises to His name I sing;

I thank thee for the life He gave,

That mine and others He might save,

on this, another Easter morn,

I thank thee God, that Christ was born,

To live and then be crucified

For all our sins He bravely died.

To him I owe both heart and soul,

Whose blood was shed to make me whole,

My fervent prayer is to His Glory,

Without, there would be no Easter story."

~ Maryellen Basham

June 2, 1928 - April 16, 2017

