Today is Thursday, August 29th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4104
The first three verses of Psalm 3. I must like them because I used them in Karen's Korner in 2014 and again in 2017.
"O Lord, so many are against me.
So many seek to harm me.
I have so many enemies.
So many say that God will never help me.
But Lord, you are my shield, my glory, and my only hope.
You alone can lift my head, now bowed in shame."
~ Psalm 3:1 - 3 LAB
Bible Commentary: "Sometimes life offers little hope, and when hope is gone,only despair remains. When facing problems, trials, suffering, and death, we may feel like giving up. David ran from his beloved son who threatened to kill him, knowing there was no hope except in God. When we feel like there is not hope, when life has disappointed us to point of despair, we also have only one hope. But God is all the hope we need because he promises to be a shield to protect us. When we focus our thoughts on God, our hope is restored."