Today is Monday, April 6th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4181

This morning I heard on the news that as of yesterday, 886 Iowans have, or have had, the coronavirus.

Know what that means? It means that 99.97% of the 3.2 million of us who live in Iowa do not have, or have not had, the virus  (total is .03%)! 

It means that we need to continue what we are doing to slow the spread of the disease; to celebrate God's care for each of us; to thank Him for those who been cured; and to pray for those who have the virus now and those who will get it in the future.
"When I look up into the night skies and see the work of your fingers---the moon, the stars You made---I cannot understand how You can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him!"

~ Psalm 8:3 & 4 LAB

Yesterday Dawn Cordle gave me a hand-copied blessing that she liked and wanted me to have. She is a special friend, who while she was in school as a child, attended classes with the same name.

For Those Whose Adventure Is The Open Road

May the sun rise in front of me
May the rain fall behind me
And the wind follow beside me

May the angels guard my travels
For they know the road ahead of me.

