Today is Tuesday, April 7th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4182

"Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything;
tell God your needs
and don't forget to thank Him for His answers." 
~ Philippians 4:6 LAB

God tells us not to worry. But what happens if you are someone like me who was either born a worrier or it is a learned behavior. I don't know but at any rate, I am pretty practiced at it! 

That is the beginning of my prayer, "God, you tell me not to worry and I can't even do that. I am going to need Your help!" Then we are to tell Him what is on our minds. Next we are to thank Him for His answers; even before He answers them.

The last few days rather than begging God for the answer that I am (probably all are!) looking for on the world pandemic, I have changed my mind to say, "What is Your Will for this situation? What do You want to teach me? What do You want us to learn?"

God, You tell us not to worry and I (we) confess, we can't even do that without Your Help. You tell us that You want us to pray about everything and tell You our needs. We are praying for our world pandemic and the coronavirus. Protect us. Be with people who have it; heal them. Protect the medical people and the first responders. Guide researchers as they look for a cure. We don't know where this is going to end. But if You wanted our attention, You have it. Help us not to seek so much what we want but what You want. We want Your Will through this matter; not ours! You have nothing but Love and Care for each of us. So we thank You! We know that we can trust You because we have in the past. We trust You today. We trust You tomorrow! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
