Today is Thursday, April 23rd, 2020; Karen's Korner #4194

So many thoughts being passed along right now. Here is a hand-written note I was given by Nancy Erickson; probably given her by someone else:

"Jesus said to the disciples, 'If you only have faith in God---this is the absolute truth---you can say to this Mount of Olives, 'Rise up and fall into the Mediterranean,' and your command will be obeyed. All that's required is that you really believe and have no doubt! Listen to me! You can pray for ANYTHING, and IF YOU BELIEVE, YOU HAVE IT; it's yours!"


"Heavenly Father,
by faith I believe that You can do all things.
I know that in my head,
but struggle to feel it in my heart.
Please help me to believe
that nothing is impossible for You!
In Jesus' Name. Amen."

