Today is Wednesday, June 17th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4233

I am reading a small book titled 'Praying Grace:  55 Meditations and Declarations on the Finished Work of Christ".

Here is one (in part):

"Enter HIis gates with thanksgiving, go into His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation."

~ Psalm 100: 4 & 5 NLT

Look Into the Face of Love

"There are many strains of Christianity that seem to delight in portraying God as a fierce, wrathful Judge-King searching for reasons to disqualify His subjects from receiving any of His blessings.......looking for opportunities to dole out punishments.

"Here is wonderful news:  He is, above all, a Father---a good Father----He finds great joy in blessing His children. When we approach the throne as believers, and look into the face of the mighty One, we find nothings but perfect love there.

"It's true. God's wrath against sin has been spent. It was poured out upon His on Son at the cross."

"Father, I thank You that You are love personified and that You delight in blessing me. You have opened the eyes and ears of my spirit and reveal Your goodness to me. So, I enter Your throne room joyfully and with a heart filled with gratitude.

"I declare today that when I look into Your face, I see love acceptance, and kindness there. I worship You. And I make my requests known to You in confidence. You are good. Your unfailing love and unwavering faithfulness continue forever, from generation to generation."

