Today is Thursday, July 16th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4254

The second of seven exchanges. What we get at the foot of the cross because of what Jesus did for us!

Taken from 'Praying Grace;  55 Meditations and Declarations on the Finished Work of Christ' by David A. Holland:


"From the very beginning, God's plan was for His people to live in blessing.

In the Garden of Eden where He settled the very first people was 'a place of abundance, joy, peace, and beauty.' But Adam and Eve rebelled and let loose a horrific curse upon the earth. In place of that blessing:  disease, lack, oppression, misery, strife, and pain suddenly reigned.

"The first Adam released a curse upon the world.......But at the cross, the last Adam, Jesus, turned blessing loose in it place for those willing to humbly receive His offer."

"At the cross, we get to exchange life under Adam's curse for Abraham's life of blessing: the second amazing exchanges we make when we accept God's gracious offer of salvation."

"Father, what a privilege to exchange life under the curse of sin for a life of blessing under the rule of grace. Thank You that You have redeemed me from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for me, in order that in You the blessing of Abraham might come to me. I will not tolerate lingering remnants of curse in my life or household under the false belief that it is Your will for me.

"I declare that I have been to the cross and exchange Adam's curse for Abraham's blessing."

