Today is Monday, November 2nd, 2020; Karen's Korner #4331

Part of our church sermon was taken from James chapter 3. In my Life Application Bible, there is a graphic near that portion of the Bible:


When our speech is motivated by Satan:

It is full of:

Jealousy, Selfishness
Earthly concerns and desires
Unspiritual thoughts and ideas
Disorder, Evil


When our speech is motivated by God and His wisdom:

It is full of:

Mercy, Love for others
Peace, Courtesy
Yielding to others
Sincerity, straightforwardness
Quiet gentleness


Father God, we want to speak the second list. Unfortunately, our tendency is to do the first list. So today, we pray for You to help us be and do what You would have us think and say. We seek Your help. In Jesus' Name Who makes all things possible. Amen.

