Today is Monday, December 7th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4356
Today is December 7. The news reminded us that 79 years ago was Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor which ushered in U.S. entering into World War II.
My dad served in the U.S. Army, just under four years as part of the conflict. A little under a year of that time he was in Europe, serving in the Battle of the Bulge as a medic.
Right now, I am embarking on getting together memories of his service to give to our granddaughter as one of her Christmas gifts.
Here is one of those memories I received from my sister Jill:
"Grandpa Stanley talked about when the US troops had liberated a concentration camp, he remembered US Army trucks and tanks moving through the area. The prisoners were so excited that the Americans had liberated them from German oppression that they were pulling soldiers off the trucks and tanks to hug and kiss them! He and other soldiers had a hard time doing this because the people hadn't had a bath in weeks/months and the smell wasn't good. But they did hug them!"
Jill helped me to recall that instance too. We couldn't remember where the camp was, as there were more than just a few! Our dad would say he had never been part of so much excitement and joy! What happiness those young men felt! And he was part of it!
"Always be full of joy in the Lord!"
~ Philippians 4:4
"Always be joyful.
Always keep on praying.
No matter what happens,
always be thankful
this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 5:16 - 18